Dr.med. Katarina Lucija Glas

An increased number of research works is confirming the effectiveness of homeopathic medicine (1,2). The treatment of migraines with classical homeopathy generally follows the same approach as for other chronic exacerbating diseases, both in adults and children. In homeopathic treatment of migraines, the main focus in the beginning is an initial consultation where the patient reveals the primary health issue. During the first consultation for homeopathic migraine treatment, it is crucial to discuss the course of each migraine attack—how it begins, whether it starts with an aura, what other problems arise, what improves or worsens the condition, and what triggers the migraine attack. For classical individualised homeopathic treatment, the development of a migraine headache involves considering the location of the pain, the type of pain, where it spreads, and what accompanies it—nausea, concentration issues, which areas of functioning are additionally impaired, and what modifies the migraine in terms of improvement or worsening. In other words, what the person avoids or what mitigates the migraine attack is important.

This information is equally important for treating migraines with homeopathy in children. The advantage of treating migraines in children is that homeopathic medicines have no side effects or contraindications. There is a difference in migraine treatment in adults and children in modern pharmacotherapeutic medicine, as some specific pharmacological treatments for adults cannot be prescribed to children.

In choosing a homeopathic medicine for treating migraines with classical homeopathy in children, as in adults, various other factors are important, such as potential causes of the migraine onset, frequently recurring chronic illnesses, injuries, mental trauma, the onset of menarche, etc. Additionally, when treating children or adults with migraines, the homeopathic practitioner needs information about appetite, thirst, digestion, sleep, dreams, menstruation in girls and women, sensitivity to climatic conditions, type of perspiration, as well as the mental and emotional shades of the person undergoing homeopathic treatment.
Scientific research suggests the success of homeopathic treatment for migraines in both children and adults (3, 4).
Clinical experience shows that:

  • The duration of migraine attacks gradually shortens with classical individualised homeopathic medicine
  • The intensity of migraine attacks decreases with classical individualised homeopathic medicine
  • The frequency of migraine attacks reduces, with milder headaches occurring, and in some cases, a headache-free state is achieved with homeopathic treatment of migraines. This outcome

in general practice confirms the Theory of Levels of Health by Prof. Vithoulkas (5), with more and more successfully treated cases in neurology (6) and other fields of medicine (7).

The presentation of a migraine case accompanied by a Pineal gland cyst of an adolescent
This case involves an 11-year-old girl diagnosed with migraines by neurologists after 10 episodes of headaches. The mother opted for homeopathy as she had experienced satisfactory results after 20 years of homeopathic migraine treatment (6).
Personal medical history of the girl: The mother had some migraines during pregnancy, and both the grandmother and great-grandmother likely had migraines. The girl suffered head injuries at ages 1.5 and 6, with a three-hour disruption in response after the latter. She had pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia at age 3, was vaccinated according to schedule, and had pollen and hair allergies. At the start of treatment, she had not yet reached menarche. Pharmacological treatment: non-specific painkillers were used, but the headache lingered two days after a migraine attack. Homeopathic medicines (Phosphorus and later Natrum muriaticum in various potencies) were used. Acupuncture was also suggested. Laboratory tests: CT (computed tomography) after the injuries showed normal results, as did blood tests, TSH (thyroxine-stimulating hormone), and serological tests for Lyme disease. An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) recommended by the neurologist after the first homeopathic consultation revealed a pineal cyst the size of a pea. MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) endocrine and ophthalmologic results were normal. Surgical treatment of the pineal gland cyst was not indicated.

Description of main issues in line with homeopathic treatment:
Headaches followed auras with various visual disturbances—blurred vision before the migraine episode, unilateral hemianopsia, or dim, foggy vision during the aura. Over time, episodes were accompanied by vomiting and tingling in one arm. The headaches were unilateral, usually on the right side, lingering two days, but slightly alleviated by standard analgesics prescribed by a neurologist. Migraine episodes were followed by memory and concentration issues, and she was often picked up from school. Migraines often began after physical exertion, and were worsened by light and noise.

Other symptoms relevant to the homeopathic approach of case taking:
She was sensitive to cold. She liked milk and ice cream. Headaches worsened when she did not drink enough. She had sour burps and usually slept on her right side. After daily stress and worries at night, she had nightmares. She sweated on her face and back. Mentally and emotionally she was a compassionate girl, especially during her mother’s migraine attacks. Otherwise, she was clingy and afraid of being alone when she was younger.

Prescribed homeopathic medicine: Phosphorus C 200

Progress and treatment development over nine check-ups:
V.2018: The headache occurred twice, improving after drinking more water in a few hours. She felt sleepy soon after taking the homeopathic medicine. Conclusion after the first check-up: no initial worsening of symptoms, main issue improved. Additional diagnostics performed as directed by the neurologist revealed a pineal cyst measuring 9×5 mm. First MRI performed in 2018. The remedy was not changed.
Progress continues with homeopathic check-ups in subsequent months in five years, with a gradual improvement in migraine symptoms after adjustments of homeopathic treatment. The child was continuously under paediatric specialist supervision.
Homeopathic remedies were produced following the instructions of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia and the European Pharmacopoeia in Homeocur (Austria) and Remedia (Austria), with Adriapharm (Slovenia) supplying these in Slovenia.

The case illustrates the treatment of an adolescent girl diagnosed with migraines and a subsequent discovery of a larger pineal gland cyst, following the HOM Case Care guidelines. The classical individualised homeopathic treatment began as no specific treatment was available for both diagnoses. Surgical treatment of the pineal gland cyst is indicated in large, symptomatic pineal gland cysts. Over five years, after the initial consultation and nine follow-up check-ups, the frequency and intensity of migraines gradually decreased. At the same time, the larger pineal gland cyst regressed completely. The agreed MONARCH score was +8 on a scale from -6 to +13 points.

The MONARCH score suggests that classical individualized homeopathic treatment may have contributed to the improvement of migraine issues and the subsequent discovery of a pineal gland cyst in the adolescent girl.