Integrating Ayurveda and Biological Medicine: A Multidimensional Approach to Patient-Centered Care

Ajil Kunhumbidukka Veettil, B.A.M.S, PGDY, RAV (General Medicine), MSc (Yoga Science)

The human body exists as a multidimensional entity, requiring medical approaches that reflect this complexity. Integrating Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural healing, with modern biological medicine offers a comprehensive, patient-centered health care model. This model not only addresses physical symptoms but also considers mental, emotional, and environmental factors that influence health.

In this presentation, we explore how combining the holistic principles of Ayurveda with the scientific rigor of biological medicine can provide an innovative framework for treating complex conditions. Specifically, we will examine its application to autism spectrum disorders, highlighting how this integrated approach supports meaningful progress in managing and improving the condition. Through case studies and evidence-based insights, we will demonstrate how this fusion of disciplines can address the unique needs of patients by treating the body as a cohesive whole.