Dental diseases involve the treatment of tooth crowns and roots. We ensure that your smile will be healthy and beautiful. Proper oral health not only affects our appearance and self-image, but it also impacts our overall health. ‘Dead’ teeth have been a subject of debate for a long time, and even today, in so-called developed societies, there are no clear answers.

Several publications in scientific journals related to endodontics from 2023 state that endodontically treated, so-called “treated” teeth still contain bacteria in their hard tooth structure, dentin, meaning they are infected. Additionally, people are often confused as to why there are endodontic specialists, dentists who have dedicated their careers to treating tooth roots, and how it is that, in fact, every dentist performs the same therapies. “Why, what for?” is a common question in dental offices. Is it really worth saving every tooth at all costs, even if we feel it several times a year? The dentist sees nothing on the 3D X-ray, yet we still feel the tooth. What should we do? Is what we feel not right? I have cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, neuralgia, and sometimes I feel discomfort in my jaw—what should be done in these cases?

A tooth has its crown and root. Each tooth has a unique root shape and an even more unique shape of the canals inside, which are filled with blood vessels, nerves and Pischingers space. When the bacteria that cause tooth decay in the crown reach the root, where the so-called tooth nerve is, everything changes. Suddenly, we are no longer in the mouth, we ARE IN THE BODY. The hard tissue barrier is broken, and, if you will, the rules of the game change. Now the DENTist becomes a DOCTOR. The bacteria have reached the dental pulp or the ‘nerve’ of the tooth and, through it, the bone at the end of the tooth root. Only in the bone can the body develop an immune response as a defense. Two problems arise.

  1. The canal through which the tooth ‘nerve’ runs is unfortunately not a straight tube inside the tooth, but rather a very branched canal structure, especially in the final parts of the roots called apices. In these branches, which cannot be reached during treatment, bacteria ‘nest.’
  2. The immune system, due to objective circumstances, simply cannot remove the bacteria within this complex canal structure.


Each of us sooner or later faces tooth decay (caries).

Each of us sooner or later faces tooth decay (caries), and at that point, the decayed part of the tooth needs to be removed, and the missing tooth tissue replaced. As an alternative to traditional amalgam fillings, which are harmful to health and very unaesthetic, composite (white) fillings were introduced some time ago. With composite materials, we can restore your teeth with mechanically durable (strong) and highly aesthetic fillings, which primarily pose no risk to your health.

In most cases, we can restore teeth with smaller areas of decay so that your smile looks completely natural, even with fillings, as we have a wide range of color shades that match your teeth. The most modern materials are from the ORMOCER group and are also the most acceptable in integrative dentistry.

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