Biocompatible Implants - Zirconium Oxide
Biocompatible Implants - Zirconium Oxide
Loss of a tooth, resulting from disease or mechanical damage, not only affects an individual's aesthetic appearance but also significantly impacts the functionality of the bite. When we decide to get a dental implant, we probably envision a carefree life in the future.
We look forward to having all our teeth, but we often forget that inappropriate materials or execution can bring more problems than tooth loss itself. There are numerous metal implants available, and it is crucial to choose the right brand very carefully. However, it is a fact that the use of ceramic implants made of zirconia oxide is increasing. These ceramic implants are much better substitutes than their metal predecessors. Since they differ from each other, the brand used is also important. It has been proven that the oral mucosa has a high affinity for the surface of zirconia implants, leading to quality gum attachment at the implant interface. This fact is crucial in reducing inflammation around ceramic implants compared to metal implants. Inflammation around implants follows a similar pattern as inflammation in periodontal tissues and is caused by similar bacteria. Because tissue inflammation around implants progresses faster than with natural teeth, it is of utmost importance to prevent the occurrence of inflammation, among other things, by choosing the appropriate material from which the implant is made.
The key to success with dental implants lies in the correct procedure—without haste and unrealistic promises. The first step is a thorough examination of the gums and a radiographic analysis and simulation of implant placement using a CBCT scan. In cases of gum disease, we must take our time to completely heal the gums. The therapist assesses whether there is sufficient bone and if the space is suitable for implant placement. If there is not enough bone, bone and gum grafting procedures follow, which must heal properly. Only after thorough preparation can the implant placement be performed. Imagine not knowing this and receiving a dental implant on diseased gums with insufficient bone for implant integration. In such cases, severe complications can arise, and often, such implants need to be removed. Therefore, it is essential to take the time for such a significant procedure and follow the prescribed protocols to be satisfied with the dental replacement that will serve as a permanent tooth. After all, we want to have it for a lifetime.
Metal implants can cause the formation of a dark gum line around the implant, while zirconia implants have a more natural tone that seamlessly blends with the gum color. Even in cases of bone and tissue deficiency, the potential transparency of a dental implant due to its white color is much more favorable compared to a metal implant. The white color ensures a high aesthetic result, which is particularly important for replacing teeth in the front, visible area.
Therefore, ceramic implants represent an attractive upgrade to traditional metal solutions. Due to their numerous advantages, especially biocompatibility and a more natural appearance, they are increasingly being used. With further technological advancements and an increased awareness of the importance of the materials we implant in the body, ceramic implants will likely completely replace metal implants in the future.
Dead Teeth - Granulomas
Dead Teeth - Granulomas
Dead teeth are a result of granulomas and can be extremely harmful if not properly treated. Similar to periodontal disease, we are dealing with highly aggressive bacteria here, which lead to the decay of tissues inside the tooth, specifically the dental pulp or nerve.
The process begins when bacteria reach the inside of the tooth through a cavity or tooth decay, triggering an immune response. Teeth are hard structures, and the swelling that always occurs in response to an infection cannot expand, resulting in compression of the blood vessels and “suffocation” of the tooth, accelerating the death of the nerve. Once the dental nerve dies throughout the root canal, bacteria reach the bone in the lower or upper jaw. Here, an immune response called a granuloma or chronic periapical periodontitis can develop. The bacteria do not freely pass through the bone they reached through the tooth; instead, a so-called “front” is formed. On one side, bacteria penetrate deeper into the bone with their secretions, while on the other side, the immune response attempts to contain it. Since the influx of bacteria from inside the tooth is continuous, and they actually have a good hiding place and rear base, the immune system cannot heal the granuloma. Eventually, an untreated tooth will inevitably be lost. As long as it is still present, the bone progressively disappears. If periodontal disease is also present, the processes can merge, resulting in the tooth losing its bone support. Since the bacteria involved in both processes are very similar, the impact on the body is also similar.
Such teeth are extremely harmful to the body, so the examination and treatment should be approached accordingly.
It is possible to infer whether you have such a tooth present in your mouth. It should be noted that many oral conditions do not manifest as painful sensations or discomfort. Approximately 80% of granulomas are discovered as part of routine examinations.
The most common warning sign of this type of condition is undefined or nonspecific pain that does not occur continuously. You often complain of having caught a cold in your jaw, feeling a strange sensation for several days after sailing, hiking, and similar activities. This is a clear warning that there may be a granuloma in the jawbone and that urgent action is required.
Granulomas pose a significant risk to overall health.
It is much better to perform granuloma treatment procedures when the body is in good condition and before severe symptoms such as pain, swelling, or tooth mobility occur. At that time, the chances of successful treatment are increased by 20-25%, and the long-term prognosis for tooth retention in the mouth is good. Of course, this applies while considering and adhering to all modern guidelines for root canal treatment. The mandatory use of an operating microscope, proper isolation of the tooth to ensure clean working conditions, bioactive fillings, and sufficient time for the procedure are essential. Such procedures are not typically performed under time pressure. Only after a one-year follow-up X-ray evaluation can we assess whether the granuloma has healed. Only then can we consider the treatment of the tooth as successful. If treatment is not successful, additional surgical procedures may be necessary, or we may discuss the extraction of such a tooth.
Today, there are great possibilities for the proper management of dead teeth, using the latest materials and technologies, along with the importance of a well-trained therapist. Properly managed and radiographically monitored dead teeth are much better than implants.
The problem lies in teeth that have not been optimally treated.
There are many such teeth in the mouth worldwide. It is important to emphasize that this is not due to the negligence or lack of knowledge of dentists but rather because advanced technology, materials, and knowledge in this field were not available in the past.
If the tooth is well
treated, and the root canal system is thoroughly cleaned, it can be as good as a regular tooth that still has the dental nerve.
But what about teeth that are not fully treated?
Such teeth are a severe problem and need to be extracted. Treated dead teeth should be regularly monitored with X-rays. If the X-ray shows that the bone has healed, then that tooth is definitely harmless to your body. If the bone has not healed, we have two options. The first is a so-called microscopic apicoectomy, in which we use a microscope to remove the unhealed granuloma from the body by also removing the lower part of the root. The second option is tooth extraction.
Amalgam and Other Alloys in the Mouth
Amalgam and Other Alloys in the Mouth
Silver or amalgam fillings contain 50 percent mercury, which has been scientifically proven to be more toxic than lead, cadmium, or arsenic. Amalgam fillings can potentially have neurotoxic effects. Some healthcare experts believe that mercury causes physical and psychological problems and directly affects most brain functions.
Mercury can enter the body in several ways. Small particles of amalgam from the filling, which dissolve in saliva, can be swallowed and then absorbed into the bloodstream and nerves through the intestines. A certain percentage of mercury vaporizes from the fillings and is absorbed into the lungs through inhalation. Mercury can also directly penetrate the tooth and, through the dental nerve, travel along other nerves to the brain, where it is stored. There is also a possibility that mercury starts to leak from the amalgam filling and gradually penetrates organs in small quantities. The body deposits them in tissues and organs, causing various physical and psychological problems and illnesses.
Given all of the above, there are at least 5 good reasons to replace amalgam fillings with composite white fillings or porcelain or composite inlays:
1. HYGIENE: Amalgam fillings contract more than the tooth in cold temperatures. Over time, gaps form between the filling and the tooth, where bacteria settle and cannot be removed even with meticulous oral hygiene.
2. TOOTH DAMAGE: Amalgam fillings expand more than the tooth when consuming hot food and drinks. This creates tension in the tooth and can lead to cracks, which may result in tooth loss.
3. MERCURY: Amalgam contains toxic mercury, which is proven to be harmful to our bodies. More and more experts believe that mercury causes physical and psychological issues and directly affects most brain functions.
4. GALVANIC REACTIONS: The presence of amalgam fillings and/or other metals in the mouth leads to the generation of low-voltage electrical currents, causing the well-known “metallic sensation” in the mouth.
5. AESTHETICS: An increasing number of people find amalgam fillings unattractive due to their gray appearance. They desire a wide, relaxed, and white smile.
Periodontal Disease and the Body
Periodontal Disease and the Body
Despite periodontal disease affecting as many as 80% of Slovenian men and women, we still underestimate the extent of this pathological condition.
Health clinic, for a long, healthy, and balanced
Periodontal disease is not solely an oral cavity disease but has a significant impact on the entire body. This connection stems from the fact that teeth grow from the jawbone, meaning they are anchored in the upper and lower jaws by their roots. Compared to the profound chronic infection’s implications for overall health, tooth loss resulting from periodontal disease is the least of our concerns. Periodontal disease has multiple stages. Mouths with moderate periodontal disease harbor an infected and inflamed purulent wound the size of both palms, already eroding the bone.
Can you imagine having such a wound on your hand, visible to your eyes every day? In the mouth, this dangerous infected wound remains concealed, causing only bad breath and bleeding during brushing. Throughout the course of infection and bacterial proliferation, extremely aggressive bacteria and substances resulting from our immune system’s response enter the bloodstream.
Impacts of periodontal disease on the entire body:
– Inflammation can spread from periodontal tissues directly to the surrounding and deeper tissues, particularly the bone.
– The transit of microorganisms and their products into the bloodstream causes inflammation in remote organs (heart, brain, liver, lungs, etc.).
– Harmful substances produced in inflamed areas of the mouth can also enter the bloodstream and affect distant tissues (atherosclerosis), and they can also alter the mucous membranes of the respiratory or digestive tracts, creating conditions for inflammation in remote organs (pneumonia).
Periodontal disease can significantly worsen and affect the development of existing physical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and diabetes. It is particularly dangerous for individuals over 55 years of age and people who are overweight.
How does periodontal disease develop?
Around each tooth in the mouth, there is a periodontal pocket, which measures one to three millimeters in depth and surrounds the tooth, including the interdental space. More than 600 different species of bacteria are present in the pockets and on the teeth. Let’s see what happens with a healthy and clean tooth surface when regular oral hygiene is neglected.
Throughout the day, substances from saliva, food, beverages, etc., deposit and bind on the tooth surface, forming soft dental plaque. These deposits tend to accumulate at the gumline, both on exposed surfaces and in the interdental spaces. The gumline is where bacteria obtain necessary nutrients from the tooth pockets. As a result, bacteria multiply and initially cause gum inflammation, which later progresses to periodontal disease without exception.
If we don’t remove the soft plaque at least once a day, bacteria in the periodontal pocket have a constant supply of nutrients, and the protective environment of the pocket provides ideal conditions for their uninterrupted proliferation. Due to saliva being an ionic solution, uncleaned soft plaque gradually “hardens” and forms dental calculus. Because of its porous structure, dental calculus serves as a refuge for food debris and bacteria, allowing them to thrive beyond the periodontal pocket as well. Gum inflammation occurs within 48 hours of neglecting oral hygiene. The consequence of inflamed gums is bleeding. During cleaning, the gums bleed, they may also be painful, and due to the increased number of bacteria, they exhibit characteristic signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, pain, etc. Healthy gums are pink, never reddish-purple, and do not bleed during cleaning.
If we neglect oral hygiene and allow dental deposits to persist on our tooth surfaces for an extended period, the inflammation from the gums also spreads to the bone in which our tooth is “anchored.” Over time, the periodontal pocket deepens to four mill
imeters or more due to bone loss. At this point, we can start talking about different stages of periodontal disease.
The bone is crucial for tooth stability. In the case of inflammation, the bone decays, and teeth lose support. This doesn’t happen overnight but is a chronic process that unfolds over ten or more years. Teeth gradually become loose, severe pain and swelling can occur, which are the result of periodontal abscess or pus, and ultimately, due to the disappearance of bone, even completely healthy teeth can be lost. Fortunately, today we have a much better understanding of periodontal disease than in the past.
Most vulnerable groups of people:
Individuals with cardiovascular diseases, those living under severe stress, smokers, individuals over fifty years old, those with arthritis, individuals who are overweight, as well as pregnant women and diabetes patients, are particularly sensitive to the negative effects of periodontal disease on the body. In high-risk groups, this chronic infection with aggressive bacteria usually progresses in more severe forms. Research shows that moderate to advanced periodontal disease can increase the likelihood of heart or brain stroke two to threefold, seven times higher chance of premature birth and low birth weight, and diabetic patients have fifteen times greater likelihood of losing their teeth.
Accurate diagnosis leads to the right treatment
Despite the disease being highly prevalent in the population, periodontal disease and its progression can be prevented through timely detection and appropriate treatment. The main problem with periodontal disease is that it occurs hidden and slowly, so it’s essential to look for signs of the condition and not wait for symptoms that usually occur late when significant damage has already been done.
Because it is crucial to detect pathological changes in the mouth as early as possible, do not postpone the examination of periodontal tissues, where we can precisely determine the sites and degree of involvement and take appropriate measures. At the same time, we can teach you proper oral care to prevent further development or recurrence of the disease. By doing so, you will help your body achieve better health and strengthen the immune system, as it will no longer constantly fight bacteria that penetrate the bloodstream and reproduce uncontrollably.