Intergative Anatomy

Integrative medicine, including dentistry, is simply a new page in modern medicine.

In our opinion, it could be called medicine of a new era, similar to the time of Ibn Sina in the 11th century or Aviccena as he was known as in Europe. By definition, it is the integration of many healing modalities, including Western medicine, into an effective or functional approach that provides truly individualised diagnostics and treatment. It is important to know that from an anatomical point of view, integrative medicine divides the human body into 3 parts that cannot be separated.


The liquid or “water” part which is everywhere in the body. Some authors say that our body is made up of 70-80% water, with most of it outside the cells and a smaller part inside.

In reality, water is just a liquid in which all the body’s biochemical reactions take place. Statistics say that 37 billion trillion chemical reactions take place in our body every second. Dwell on this dynamic for a moment. In Western medicine, we try to identify them all, and there is still much to be done. Nevertheless, the fact remains that diseases start in the fluid and it is in the fluid that we usually look for the causes with blood, urine and stool laboratory analyses, with dark field analyses and many other diagnostic tools.


The second part has many names and can be called connective tissue, extracellular matrix, mesenchyme, Pischinger’s space, etc. and consists mainly of collagen, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, etc. It is the support and connection network for the cells and is saturated by the water content. It acts like a three-dimensional filter and catches the toxins before they can destroy the cells.

It is the body’s rubbish dump when we do not excrete enough, as you will learn below. Even the body’s own cells excrete normal toxins into the extracellular matrix through which they can flow with the blood and lymph to the liver and kidneys and from there out of the body.


Thirdly, there are specialised cells that form the organs of our body. Each cell has a specific task in a specific organ. The first two parts are merely the pathways by which nutrients reach the cells and by the same pathways the normal toxins leave the body. When the regulation of the inflow of nutrients we eat or drink and the excretion of toxins is disturbed, the intestines, the lymphatic and immune systems, the liver and the blood as transport systems are usually affected first, which later leads to a dysfunction of other organ cells.

Nevertheless, every human being has his or her weak point and the global problem of waste disposal manifests itself in a specific organ dysfunction that leads to disorders or diseases.

Integrative Medicine and Dentistry views the human body as a unique biochemical, energetic and spiritual whole that functions in harmony with each other. Its main advantage is that it incorporates the knowledge of Western medicine, biological medicine, homoeopathy, Ayurveda, osteopathy, psychotherapy, yoga and others.

It is truly unique how each team of experts can develop its own concept of integrative medicine. The medicine of the future will always count on the team of experts who combine their knowledge to create completely individualised treatment plans that can achieve remarkable results. Many patients say it’s just incredible, and in the early days of developing Maha Integrative Medicine and Dentistry, we thought it was incredible too.

Human life continues to evolve and so does the complexity of treatments. It’s no secret that biochemically the human body could last 200 years or more. We do not promise that, of course, but we do promise that life is completely changing in all areas.

To treat a particular disease, we must treat the whole body.

Specific diseases are only the last expression of a body that has been under pressure for many years. Disease does not simply appear, it develops. The most common compliment we get is, “I feel like I have been reborn,” and the second, “I just can not believe I have stopped taking pills for high blood pressure and diabetes.”

In summary: Integrative medicine treats the whole body, not just a specific disease, and it makes you well again.

For example, cardiovascular disease is not just to do with the blood vessels and the heart, it has its roots in all 8 major causes, which are dealt with elsewhere. Therapies are planned according to the diagnosis and the main goal is first to rid the body of accumulated “junk”, then to assess how much regenerative capacity her or his body still has, and then to prescribe further steps to achieve the goals set at the beginning.

Understanding the Four Dimensions of Healing

At our clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to health, which considers not just the physical body but also the mind, spirit, and psyche. The diagram, “The Constitution of Man” by Dr. Matjaž Regovec, illustrates the interconnectedness of these four essential aspects, or “cogitos,” of our being:

1. The Thinking Cogito (Mind): This represents our logical, analytical mind—the seat of our thoughts and reason. It helps us make sense of the world through concepts and rational understanding.

2. The Psychic Cogito (Psyche): This dimension relates to our emotional and psychological experiences, including dreams and imagination. It plays a crucial role in how we perceive reality on a subconscious level.

3. The Bodily Cogito (Body): Our sensory experiences and physical body fall under this cogito. It connects us directly to the world through our senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

4. The Intuitive Cogito (Spirit): This is our deeper sense of being, our intuition, and spiritual awareness. It guides us through archetypal wisdom and deep-rooted instincts.

Symptoms often arise when there is a disconnection or imbalance among these four dimensions. By recognizing and addressing these imbalances, we can achieve more comprehensive healing. For example, a physical symptom might have roots in unresolved emotional or spiritual issues, just as a mental challenge might manifest physically.
Through this integrated approach, our clinic aims to bridge the gap between these aspects of the self, facilitating a healing process that acknowledges and nurtures the whole person.

Integrative Dentistry

There is no Integrative Medicine without Integrative Dentistry. The mouth with its teeth represents a part of the body that has an important influence on general health with its inflammatory conditions and metallic materials.

All therapies that target the body cannot be effective if the oral conditions burden the body. We speak from long experience. Bacterial infections lead to either gum disease or periodontitis, “dead” teeth with granulomas, or even both. Non-bacterial bone lesions secrete the inflammatory mediator CCl5, which affects the whole body. Among metals, there is amalgam containing mercury, as well as many other metal alloys used in bridges and dentures. Inflammation creates an acidic environment that accelerates the “dissolution” of metals that deposit in the body.

In integrative dentistry, thorough diagnostics are crucial. This includes a comprehensive examination of the oral cavity with a microscope, computer analysis of periodontal disease, X-rays, CBCT, CaviTAU ultrasound, Dark Field microscope analysis, analysis of inflammatory mediators and much more.

As soon as the diagnosis shows the necessary steps for a successful treatment, we start with therapeutic procedures that are strictly metal-free and biocompatible. All materials are carefully selected and are compatible with the body. In surgery, we use techniques such as PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), ozone, i.v. therapies and PMP (Pulsed Magnetic Field) after procedures. These restorative and antibacterial therapies allow us to provide antibiotic-free treatments. There are significantly fewer complications and pain after the treatments. When it comes to dentures and bridges, we only practise digital dentistry, which offers excellent precision and comfort. If you suffer from anxiety, we also offer inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide to calm you before and during treatment.

Health clinic, for a long, healthy, and balanced

What constitutes integrative dentistry?

Periodontal Disease and the Body
Periodontal disease affects a significant percentage of the population worldwide. Yet all too often we are unaware of their impact on the whole body. Teeth are connected to the jawbone, so tooth loss due to this infectious disease is not just an aesthetic and functional problem. Periodontal disease can damage the health of the body as the inflammation spreads to other organs through bacteria and harmful substances entering the bloodstream, lymph and connective tissue – the first and second parts as described above. It can affect the heart, brain, liver and lungs and cause changes in the respiratory or digestive mucosa. In addition, periodontal disease can aggravate existing conditions such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and diabetes. Older people and people who are overweight are particularly at risk.

Amalgam and other Alloys in the Mouth
Mercury or amalgam fillings contain about 50 per cent mercury, which has toxic effects on the body. Amalgam fillings can cause physical and psychological problems and affect brain function. Mercury can be absorbed into the body from the fillings, enter the blood and nerves, and accumulate in the tissues and organs, causing various problems. There are several reasons to replace amalgam fillings with biocomposite or bioceramic fillings.

“Dead” Teeth – Granulomas – Endodontics
There is no simple answer, especially when recent studies show that even radiographically “healed” granulomas still in the tooth substance contain the same bacteria as were previously present in bone lesions. If you have a systemic disease, we would suggest the removal of such teeth, thus reducing the burden on the immune system. If there is one thing the body needs when fighting disease, it is a fully functioning immune system. Our concept offers high quality temporaries that are made the same day, so you have no aesthetic or functional discomfort. On the contrary, patients are even more aesthetically satisfied with their new smile.

Biocompatible Implants – Zirconium Oxide
Biocompatible implants made of zirconium oxide are a better choice than metal implants because of the high affinity of the oral mucosa to their surface. They reduce the incidence of inflammation and provide an aesthetically natural appearance. The correct procedure, including a thorough examination, analysis and preparation of the bone and gums, is crucial to the success of dental implants. Zirconium implants offer high aesthetic results without dark gum margins and with a natural shade. Ceramic implants are an attractive alternative to metal solutions and are becoming increasingly popular due to their biocompatibility and natural appearance.

Blood Tests to determine the Impact of the Mouth on the Body
Integrative Medicine is inconceivable without Biological Dentistry. The mouth with the teeth is a part of the body that influences health with its inflammatory conditions and metallic materials. At the same time, any body therapy cannot be effective if the body is burdened by oral diseases. Infections can lead to periodontitis or periodontal disease, “dead” teeth with granulomas, and among the metals there is amalgam, which contains mercury, and most metallic alloys used in bridges and dentures. Inflammation creates an acidic environment that accelerates the “dissolution” of metals that are deposited in the body. If you have titanium implants, we would suggest a titanium stimulation test, if you have unusual inflammatory reactions, we would suggest a test to determine the balance of the immune system, and so on.

In Biological Dentistry, thorough diagnostics are crucial, including a comprehensive examination of the oral cavity.

Slovenska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Europe

Tel. +386 51 248 888

Mon, Tue, Wed: 8:00 – 15:00
Thu: 12:30 – 20:00
Fri: 8:00 – 13:30

© Copyright 2024 – Maha / made by visualbraingravity


Omni Em farment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vehicula nunc consequat metus iaculis, non vulputate eros suscipit. Phasellus commodo ac urna ut dapibus. Phasellus ac venenatis augue. Cras eu venenatis ex.


celostna obravnava telesa, uma in duha.

Integrativno zdravljenje, kjer združujemo najnovejše medicinske pristope z naravnimi terapijami.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vehicula nunc consequat metus iaculis, non vulputate eros suscipit. Phasellus commodo ac urna ut dapibus. Phasellus ac venenatis augue. Cras eu venenatis ex. Vivamus sed neque lorem.

Nam ex enim, scelerisque eu euismod in, volutpat a neque. Vestibulum tristique pellentesque sem, ac dapibus mauris luctus in. Donec sodales pharetra nunc vitae efficitur. Ut ac aliquam ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla lorem libero, mollis nec viverra nec, dictum sit amet purus. Phasellus eros odio, vulputate rutrum sodales vel, vestibulum vel turpis. Nam id venenatis metus. Duis urna turpis, finibus non tincidunt nec, lacinia quis ex. Morbi posuere tristique magna in feugiat. In et diam ut leo aliquam finibus. Aenean ac urna et neque molestie suscipit et sit amet lacus. Donec egestas quam non interdum faucibus.

Nam ex enim, scelerisque eu euismod in, volutpat a neque. Vestibulum tristique pellentesque sem, ac dapibus mauris luctus in. Donec sodales pharetra nunc vitae efficitur. Ut ac aliquam ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla lorem libero, mollis nec viverra nec, dictum sit amet purus. Phasellus eros odio, vulputate rutrum sodales vel, vestibulum vel turpis. Nam id venenatis metus. Duis urna turpis, finibus non tincidunt nec, lacinia quis ex. Morbi posuere tristique magna in feugiat. In et diam ut leo aliquam finibus. Aenean ac urna et neque molestie suscipit et sit amet lacus. Donec egestas quam non interdum faucibus.

Health clinic, for a long, healthy, and balanced

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vehicula nunc consequat metus iaculis, non vulputate eros suscipit. Phasellus commodo ac urna ut dapibus.

Maha Klinika
Slovenska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Tel. +386 51 248 888

Ponedeljek: 8:00 – 15:00
Torek: 8:00 – 15:00
Sreda: 8:00 – 15:00
Četrtek: 12:30 – 20:00
Petek: 8:00 – 13:30


Maha is a clinic for modern integrative medicine and dentistry

Modern diagnostics and therapies
Individual approach to your health

Prolonging your health or returning you to a more normal life.

If you already have a serious diagnosis and you are in the diseasespan too deep.

If one were to represent human life in a straight line, the first point would signify birth, and the endpoint would be death. In medicine, this is called the lifespan. The lifespan is mathematically made up of health span + disease span, and we surely all agree that everyone wants to be on the health span side for as long as possible.

But all too often, people plunge into the diseasespan too soon, or at least unexpectedly. Of course, it depends very much on the type of disease(s) one has to assess one’s options in the treatment modalities that integrative medicine and dentistry have to offer. The modern diagnostics and therapies at Maha Integrative Medicine and Dentistry will help you either maintain your healthspan, restore it if you have passed it, or improve your well-being if you have fallen too far into the diseasespan. It would be correct to say that each individual therapist develops their own approach and we dare say their own integrative medicine.

  • prolonging your healthspan
  • modern diagnostics
  • improve your wellbeing
Our vision is that you will be able to maintain and increase your inner strength and energy.
We will restore balance on the physical, energetic, mental, spiritual, and relational levels of your life. We will teach you how to connect with your inner resources.

After all, an important function of the symptom is to bring your mind back into your "body", from where healing begins.


What is integrative medicine?

Integrative medicine and dentistry are simply new pages in medicine. In our opinion, they could be called the new era of medicine. It is the integration of many healing methods, including Western medicine, into an effective or functional approach that provides truly individualized diagnostics and treatments.

A Modern Approach to Health: Integrative medicine and dentistry consider all aspects of a person’s health, from the obvious physical, psychological, and mental components to the less obvious intuitive and spiritual well-being. This approach can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of a patient’s health and contribute to effective treatment plans.

Focus on Prevention and Wellness: Integrative medicine and dentistry place a strong emphasis on prevention and health promotion. This includes lifestyle changes, nutritional counseling, stress management techniques, yoga and meditation classes, and much more.

Personalized Treatment Plans: Integrative medicine and dentistry emphasize individualized treatment. It takes into account the unique needs, preferences, and circumstances of each individual. This tailored approach can lead to more effective and efficient treatment outcomes.

Support in Chronic Diseases: Integrative Medicine can be particularly effective in treating chronic conditions. It offers a range of therapies that complement conventional treatments and give patients a wider range of options to manage their health problems.

Integrative medicine and dentistry treat the whole body, not just a specific disease.


Six stages of disease development

The development of general integrative medicine has its roots far back in history.


It is a fact that modern Western or pharmaceutical medicine has emerged from the roots of ancient medical systems. Not to delve too deeply into history, we would say that Dr. Reckeweg is the one who, in the 1940s, combined Eastern and Western medicine and created a beautiful map of disease development. So it’s not just about the symptoms; it’s about the development of a condition in the human body that, if not treated, will lead to a certain disease. There are six stages of disease development, the last one being the different types of cancer. So before we continue with the explanation of the six stages, we would like to emphasize that, for your better understanding, always think of the health span, the disease span, and where you might be.

It will be crucial for our team to determine the exact position on the lifespan line and plan your therapeutic course accordingly. We are aware that this may sound simple or even too ezotheric, but rest assured that the concept is scientifically sound and even correlates very well with modern thinking.

Health clinic, for a long, healthy, and balanced

Integrative Dentistry

Integrative medicine without biological dentistry does not exist. The mouth, with its teeth, is a part of the body that, with its inflammatory conditions and metallic materials, significantly influences overall health.

integrative medicine and dentistry

All therapies that target the body cannot be effective if oral conditions burden the body. Infections can lead to periodontitis, gum disease, and “dead” teeth with granulomas. Non-infectious conditions called FDOJ increase inflammatory mediators, and among materials, metals must be replaced with non-metallic materials. Rigor is of utmost importance in integrative dentistry.

How and why disease progression occurs in certain individuals is the focus of Maha Integrative Medicine and Dentistry

Slovenska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Europe

Tel. +386 51 248 888

Mon, Tue, Wed: 8:00 – 15:00
Thu: 12:30 – 20:00
Fri: 8:00 – 13:30

© Copyright 2024 – Maha / made by visualbraingravity